The apodemes are attached to dedicated V-notch opening muscles, thereby providing a unique detachment mechanism.

Third, a V-shaped cut on the suction disc (“V-notch“) is actively opened via two cuticular apodemes inserting on its flanks. Second, specialised rim microtrichia at the suction disc periphery were found to form a continuous ring in close contact and may serve as a seal on a variety of surfaces. These spine-like microtrichia may contribute to the seal and provide increased shear force resistance in high-drag environments. First, a dense array of spine-like microtrichia covering each suction disc comes into contact with the substrate upon attachment, analogous to hairy structures on suction organs from octopus, clingfish, and remora fish. We identified structural adaptations important for the function of the suction attachment organs in L. Furthermore, we study the function of these organs in vivo using interference reflection microscopy. Here we characterise the morphology and ultrastructure of the suction attachment organs of net-winged midge larvae (genus Liponeura Diptera: Blephariceridae) – aquatic insects that live on rocks in rapid alpine waterways where flow speeds can reach 3 m s − 1 – using scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and X-ray computed micro-tomography (micro-CT). While the functional morphology of suction organs from some cephalopods and fishes has been investigated in detail, there are only few studies on such attachment devices in insects. Suction organs provide powerful yet dynamic attachments for many aquatic animals, including octopus, squid, remora, and clingfish.